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Webster Groves High School
Class of 1968 |
'68 Communicate
(A medium for staying connected with your classmates)
Howard A. Latta Scholarship Fund
After our 50th reunion, our class presented a plaque to WGHS to commemorate our participation in the Howard A. Latta Scholarship Fund. Our class established this fund in 1968!!! We also donated $ 1000 from our left-over funds from our 50th reunion. Donations to this non-profit fund can be made at any time. To learn more about this fund and the lasting legacy left by our class, visit the following link.
Are you new to this site???????????
Be sure to click on the link that says "Classmate Profiles" and find your name. When you click on your name, you will be asked to register with your e-mail address and a password.
You will also be asked to fill in contact and profile information. Please complete as much of this as you can so that others can learn about you and reach out to you!!!!! Your e-mail, phone number and address are not visible to anyone using this site. Visiting the "First Time Visitors" link - privacy section, should help alleviate any concerns you might have about privacy or confidentiality.
If you see your name on the "Missing Classmates" link, your name will be automatically removed from this missing list once you have set up your Classmate Profile.
How to add photos to your "Profile" page;
1) Click on "Edit Profile" under Member Functions
2) Click the " Click to Add" rectangle with the camera picture
3) Click the "Upload a new photo" button
4) Select the photo from local hard drive (select and "open" - wait for photo to appear in your "Photo Gallery"
5) Click "Done"
6) Add caption or edit picture if desired (hover over picture and then over edit pencil ...)
7) Save Changes (button at bottom of your screen)
If you want the "'68 Communicate" staff to post your yearbook picture on your "Profile" page for you - "Contact Us".
On with Webster
On with Webster
Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight.
Pass the ball on down the field
And fight with all your might.
On with Webster
On with Webster
Fight on for your fame.
Fight Statesmen, fight
And you will win the game!
Go Statesmen!
Who knows our Webster Alma Mater song? Look in our Photo Gallery.
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